Frequently asked questions.

Why did you start breeding?

It started as a love for Bernese Mountain Dogs and grow from there! I have always loved dogs, in fact I brought my first dog, Benjiji, home when I was 16 with out asking my parents while they were away for the weekend.

I think everyone should have a dog. They are your best friend through thick and thin. Whether you are having a bad day or are celebrating a win, they are right there with you looking out for you. That’s why I started breeding.

I want to be a part of helping people and families find the dog that right for them. The dog that is at the center of all your stories. The dog that kids and grand kids remember as their favourite family member. The dog that you, for the rest if time, will compare every other dog to. The one by your side, sitting at your feet, for all the big and little moments of life.

Are your dogs good family dogs?

Yes! Bernese Mountain dogs make amazing family dogs and are great with kids. They are mellow, tender-hearted , loyal and friendly. Honestly, they are giant lap dogs! They love the great outdoors and wide open spaces. They will always be up for a walk/hike and LOVE The snow. I work to breed Berners that are socialable and friendly, and not the typical shy and aloof that most Bernese Moutian Dogs are know for.

How big will my dog get?

Bernese Mountain dogs are big dogs! Typically males will grow to 80–110 lbs and females from 80–105 lbs. Most of my females are around 90lbs and my male is 110lbs and you should expect a pup for bring home from us to be around the same.

How do I join the waitlst?

Click the “Waitlist” button on the top right hand of this webpage. That will bring you to a form to submit your contact information (don’t worry, it wont be an interrogation. Just a few questions so we can best match you with the right puppy). We will contact you after you submit the form so we can connect to see if my breeding program is a good fit. To learn more about our waitlist and how it work click here.

Why aren’t your dogs registered?

A registered dog can tell you a lot about its lineage and history. It’s often a big thing people look for when finding a breeder and puppy. The CKC will only allow members to register purebred dogs that fall with in their breed standards, since I am working towards breeding doodles in the near future I have made the decision to not become a CKC member and register the pups. If you have more questions about this please reach out!

If I decided to join the waitlist, is the deposit refundable?

We will refund 50% of the deposit should your situation change and you need to be removed from the waitilst. The other 50% go toward covering the cost of managing the waitlist. We get it, life changes. Sometimes faster and more unexpected then we would like, we will do our best to work with you should things change.


Have more questions?

We would love to hear from you!